Images of Mothers Around the World
During the sixties of the last century, prominent American photographer Ken Heyman shot a series of photos for a Pulitzer-nominated book called
Family, which he co-wrote with anthropologist Margaret Mead.
This book was one of the ten biggest selling photography books; selling over a quarter million copies.
Photos were intimate family scenes from all over the world, accompanied with anthropologist Margaret Mead’s brilliant texts. The photos themselves are such a sensitive interpretation of motherhood and an unique document of the time. They give us a touching multicultural perspective of an unmistakable maternal bond and love.
Although Heyman published the photos almost 50 years ago, they show us how little or nothing hasn't change about motherhood. Mothers in Heymans photos are just as their modern-day counterparts cuddling, grooming, feeding, multi-tasking, rocking and loving their children.
Exhibitions of Heyman's work have been held at the Museum of Modern Art, the Hallmark Gallery, The International Centre for Photography in New York City and The Zabriskie Gallery in Paris. Ken Heyman's work has brought him a number of awards including "The World Understanding award," considered to be one of the top awards in photography. It is given "to honor the photographer whose work has contributed most to a better understanding among the world's people."
We hope you will enjoy this magnificent photo gallery as much as we did.
Šesdestih godina prošlog veka američki fotograf Ken Heyman je snimio seriju fotografija za knjigu
Family, čiji je i autor zajedno sa antropologinjom Margaret Mead. Zabeleživši prodaju od četvrt million primeraka, ova knjiga je postala jedna od najprodavanijih foto-monografija ikad. Ujedno, nominovana je i za Pulicerovu nagradu.
Na fotografijama su zabeleženi intimni prizori porodičnog života iz celog seta, a svaku prati briljantan tekst Margaret Mead. Naš subjektivan osećaj je, da su ove fotografije jedna od najosjećanijih intrepretacija majčinstva i neponovljiv dokument vremena. Sa toliko zanimljivosti, svaka od njih prikazuje nepogrešivu vezu i ljubav između majke i deteta. Međusobne različitosti ovih svetova zapanjuju i zadivljuju, iznova i iznova.
Iako je Heyman ove fotografije objavio pre više od pedest godina, one nam pokazuju da se ništa nije promenilo kada je majčinstvo u pitanju. Majke na njegovim fotografijama, kao i njihove savremenice danas, smeju se, igraju se i maze sa svojom decom, nežne i brižne.
Heymanovi radovi su izlagani u Muzeju moderne umetnosti u Njujorku, Hallmark galeriji, Internacionalnom centru za fotografiju u Njujorku i Zabriskie galeriji u Parizu. Za svoj rad primio je brojna priznanja, među kojima je i "The World Understanding Award", jedna od najprestižnijih nagrada za fotografiju, koja se dodeljuje fotografu čiji rad je doprineo boljem razumevanju među ljudima.
Uživajte u ovoj prelepoj galeriji.
Ghana, 1970, Ghana, 1964
Iran, 1963 |
Turkey, 1964 |
Brazil, date unknown |
Hong Kong, date unknown |
India |
U.S.A, 1968 |
U.S.S.R., 1963, left, little boy receives a cuddle in France, date unknown, right
Morocco, 1982, left, or right, perched on the hip in Egypt, 1974 |
An all-American household at dinner time, date unknown
Denmark 1964, left, and on the U.S.S.R. in 1963 |
Somalia, 1982, left, EI Salvador, date unknown, right |
U.S.A., date unknown |
Beauties |
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