Saturday, 21 February 2015

Images of Mothers Around the World


During the sixties of the last century, prominent American photographer Ken Heyman shot a series of photos for a Pulitzer-nominated book called Family, which he co-wrote with anthropologist Margaret Mead. 
This book was one of the ten biggest selling photography books; selling over a quarter million copies. 
Photos were intimate family scenes from all over the world, accompanied with anthropologist Margaret Mead’s brilliant texts. The photos themselves are such a sensitive interpretation of motherhood and an unique document of the time. They give us a touching multicultural perspective of an unmistakable maternal bond and love. 
Although Heyman published the photos almost 50 years ago, they show us how little or nothing hasn't change about motherhood. Mothers in Heymans photos are just as their modern-day counterparts cuddling, grooming, feeding, multi-tasking, rocking and loving their children. 
Exhibitions of Heyman's work have been held at the Museum of Modern Art, the Hallmark Gallery, The International Centre for Photography in New York City and The Zabriskie Gallery in Paris. Ken Heyman's work has brought him a number of awards including "The World Understanding award," considered to be one of the top awards in photography. It is given "to honor the photographer whose work has contributed most to a better understanding among the world's people." 

We hope you will enjoy this magnificent photo gallery as much as we did.

Šesdestih godina prošlog veka američki fotograf Ken Heyman je snimio seriju fotografija za knjigu Family, čiji je i autor zajedno sa antropologinjom Margaret Mead. Zabeleživši prodaju od četvrt million primeraka, ova knjiga je postala jedna od najprodavanijih foto-monografija ikad. Ujedno, nominovana je i za Pulicerovu nagradu. 
Na fotografijama su zabeleženi intimni prizori porodičnog života iz celog seta, a svaku prati briljantan tekst Margaret Mead. Naš subjektivan osećaj je, da su ove fotografije jedna od najosjećanijih intrepretacija majčinstva i neponovljiv dokument vremena. Sa toliko zanimljivosti, svaka od njih prikazuje nepogrešivu vezu i ljubav između majke i deteta. Međusobne različitosti ovih svetova zapanjuju i zadivljuju, iznova i iznova. 
Iako je Heyman ove fotografije objavio pre više od pedest godina, one nam pokazuju da se ništa nije promenilo kada je majčinstvo u pitanju. Majke na njegovim fotografijama, kao i njihove savremenice danas, smeju se, igraju se i maze sa svojom decom, nežne i brižne. 
Heymanovi radovi su izlagani u Muzeju moderne umetnosti u Njujorku, Hallmark galeriji, Internacionalnom centru za fotografiju u Njujorku i Zabriskie galeriji u Parizu. Za svoj rad primio je brojna priznanja, među kojima je i "The World Understanding Award", jedna od najprestižnijih nagrada za fotografiju, koja se dodeljuje fotografu čiji rad je doprineo boljem razumevanju među ljudima. 

Uživajte u ovoj prelepoj galeriji.

 Ghana, 1970, Ghana, 1964

Iran, 1963

Turkey, 1964

Brazil, date unknown

Hong Kong, date unknown


U.S.A, 1968

U.S.S.R., 1963, left,  little boy receives a cuddle in France, date unknown, right

Morocco, 1982, left, or right, perched on the hip in Egypt, 1974

An all-American household at dinner time, date unknown

Denmark 1964, left, and on the U.S.S.R. in 1963

Somalia, 1982, left, EI Salvador, date unknown, right

U.S.A., date unknown


Friday, 20 February 2015

Family Meal - Baked Butternut Pumpkin

Pečena muskatna bundeva, recept za celu porodicu 

The lack of quality fresh vegetables on the market means that nutrition for your toddler can easily become monotonous and uninspiring. Yet you still can find lots of types of healthy pumpkins from which you can easily prepare a tasty meal.

Here is a simple recipe that you and your baby will adore. To prepare this dish you will need:

  • a medium-sized or larger half butternut pumpkin (quantity sufficient for 4 persons)
  • one tablespoon olive oil
  • salt and pepper (do not use spices for babies up to 9 months)
  • garlic (according to taste)

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Peel and slice the pumpkin into cubes of medium size, thickness of about half a cm. Spray the baking dish with olive oil and add the pumpkin. Chop garlic and sprinkle on the pumpkin. Add a little salt and pepper. Coat with aluminium foil and bake at 200 degrees Celsius for 30-40 minutes.

This dish can also be prepared using sweet potatoes instead.

Bon appetit!


Kako na pijacama još uvek nema svežeg povrća dobrog kvaliteta, ishrana vašeg mališana lako može postati jednolična i nezanimljiva. Ipak, na pijacama se i tokom zimskih meseci mogu naći razne vrste bundeve, od koje se lako i jednostavno može pripremiti zdrav obrok.

Evo jednog jednostavnog recepta za pripremu priloga od bundeve, koji ćete vi i vaša beba prosto obožavati. Za pripremu ovog jela potrebno vam je:

  • jedna srednja ili pola veće muskatne bundeve (količina dovoljna za 4 osobe)
  • supena kašika maslinovog ulja
  • so, biber (nemojte koristiti zacine za bebe do 9 meseci)
  • beli luk (po zelji)

Zagrejati rernu na 200 stepeni. Oljuštiti i iseći bundevu na kockice srednje veličine, debljine oko pola cm. Vatrostalnu činiju poprskati maslinovim uljem i u nju naslagati komade bundeve. Iseckati beli luk i posuti po bundevi. Dodati malo soli i bibera. Prekriti aluminijumskom folijom i peci na 200 stepeni oko 30 do 40 minuta.

Ovo jelo mozete takođe pripremiti, koristeći slatki krompir umesto bundeve.


Monday, 16 February 2015

For moms - 10 Products for 
pampering yourself 

Za mame - 10 proizvoda za opuštanje i negu

Everyone deserves a little pampering from time to time, so we’ve rounded up our favorite products to get your relaxed, healthily glowing and adorably scented. All of these products are tested by us and we can warmly recommend them. Whether you want to introduce something new into your nourishing routine or you're just looking for aluminum free deodorants, paraben free products or holistic and organic cosmetics, each of these products will make you feel super pampered for the moment just before jumping into your pajamas and snuggling up with your little one. 

1.Lush The Greeench (Vert The). Made with naturally effective herbs and powders, the Greeench is a wonder powder and one of the best deodorants Lush has ever made. It is aluminium free. 2. Nuxe Reve de Miel Lip Balm. This best-selling balm with honey and precious oils is highly concentrated in ingredients that nourish, repair, soothe and protect even the driest and most chapped lips. Ideally put it just before gong to bed. 3. This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray. The best beauty secret. Natural sleep aid that will fragrance your bed and calm the nerves. Infused with essential oils of Lavender, Vetivert and Wild Chamomile to soothe the body and mind. This pillow spray will become your must-have sleep solution. Suitable to use during pregnancy. 4. Nivea in Shower Skin Conditioner. So gone are the days where you need to wait around for your skin to absorb moisturiser after showering, and with no greasy after-feeling, you can slip clothes straight on and carry on with your day. 5. Lanolips 101 Ointment. Made from 100 per cent natural medical-grade lanolin, this super moisturising lip balm fits in the most overcrowded changing bag and is also effective on cracked nipples and itchy skin. 6. Cadum Shower Gel. With one third of moisturising lotion proteins cotton, its formula prevents dryness of your skin and gives it softness and everyday comfort. Its effectiveness is proven, your skin is hydrated for 12 hours. Cadum took care to select the most gentle ingredients to make a high tolerance formula: pH neutral soap-free, paraben free. Cadum was established in 1907 and is the oldest soap and baby product brand in France. 7. Eau Thermale Avene Spring Water. We would like to say the greatest thing ever! It is suitable for sensitive skin types, babies and eczema-prone skin, too. Just spray it all over your face, or body, and feel instantly refreshed. 8. The Body Shop Strawberry Body Polish. Dead skin cells are removed in no time, revealing brighter, healthy-looking skin thanks to natural exfoliators. Contains Community Trade organic honey. The best of all is, it smells just like fresh crushed strawberries. 9. Dr. Hauschka Clarifying Day Oil. Fast-absorbing daily moisturiser that balances excessive oiliness, refines the appearance of pores and reduces the appearance of blemishes for a calm, beautiful complexion. 10. Weleda Wild Rose Pampering Body Lotion. Stimulates the skin's regenerative processes and helps to maintain its natural elasticity. Its formulation with organic wild rose oil, jojoba oil and hamamelis noticeably smoothes the skin. The precious fragrance of the Damascene rose indulges the all senses. Excellent biodynamic product and Weleda also supports and train organic rose farmers around the world! 

Kako svima treba malo nege i opuštanja, prošvrljale kroz naše omiljene proizvode kako bismo našle one najbolje, uz koje ćete se opustiti i zablistati u trenu. Svaki smo lično isprobale i toplo ih preporučujemo, posebno ako tražite dezodorans bez aluminijuma, proizvode bez parabena, kao i organsku i holističku kozmetiku. Bilo koji da izaberete osećaćete se sveže i lepo, spremne za pidžamu i ušuškavanje sa vašom bebom.

1. Lush The Greeench (Vert The). Ovo je skroz prirodan biljni proizvod i najbolji je Lushov dezodorans do sada. Idealan je za trudnice i dojilje, pošto ne sadrži nijedan umetni sastojak i aluminjum. 2. Nuxe Reve de Miel balzam za usne. Ovo je najprodavaniji proizvod za negu usana. Sadrži med i dragocena ulja, kao i druge visoko koncentrisane, prirodne sastojke za negu, obnavljanje i zaštitu suvih i ispucalih usana. Idealno je namazati ga pre spavanja i ostaviti da deluje preko noći.
3. This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray. Ovaj proizvod je najveća tajna beauty sleep-a. Pomoć za prirodan san, namirisaće vaš krevet i umiriti napetost. Esencijalna ulja lavande, vetivera i divlje kamilice deluju umirujuće na telo i misli. Može se koristiti i u trudnoći. 4 Nivea in Shower Skin Conditioner. Ovo je fantastična stvar za mame koje nemaju vremena za duge rituale nege tela. Ukoliko imate ekstremno suhu kožu, ovo super apsorbujeće sredstvo spašava stavar u samo nekoliko trenutaka.
5. Lanolips 101 Ointment. Ovaj negujući balzam za usne je napravljen od 100 postotnog prirodnog lanolina i dolazi u praktičnom pakovanju. Delotvoran je kod nege ispucalih bradavica u periodu dojenja, kao i za negu nadražene kože. 6. Cadum hidratiziraući gel za tuširanje. Formula ovog proizvoda deluje protiv suhe kože, čini je super mekom i hidriranom 12 sati. Cadum uvek i oduvek (osnovan je 1907.) bira najblaže sastojke, ph je neutralan, ne sadrži sapune niti parabene. Ovo je omiljeni i najstariji francuski proizvod za negu beba i mama. 7. Avene termalna izvorska voda u spreju. Po nama najbolji proizvod za osveženje i umirenje kože. Odgovara svim tipovima kože, kao i koži sklonoj ekcemima. I bebe mogu da koriste ovu vodicu, od prvog dana. 8. The Body Shop Strawberry Body Polish. Ovaj magični proizvod svojim prirodnim eksfolijatorima uklanja mrtve ćelije u trenu. Koža je doslovno ispolirana i izgleda zdravije nego ikad. Povrh svega sadrži organski med i miriše na sveže ispasirane jagode. 9. Dr. Hauschka ulje za čišćenje kože. Ovo hidrirajuće sredstvo se brzo upija i smanjuje pojačano lučenje masnoće, otvara i čisti pore, a sprečava i pojavu bubuljica. Koža izgleda neverovatno lepo i besprekorno, čak i posle samo jednog nanošenja. Ovo je najblagotvornije sredstvo za iziritiranu i suvu kožu lica. 10. Weleda Wild Rose Pampering Body Lotion. Stimuliše  regenerativne procese kože i održava njen prirodni elasticitet. Njegova formula sadrži organska ulja divlje ruže, jojobe, kao i američke leske (ova biljka leči sve probleme kože, od modrica do opekotina). Miris damaskne ruže je još jedan bonus koji deluje na sva čula. Lepa vest je da Weleda podržava i obučava uzgajivače orgnskih ruža diljem sveta.

Ugodan san!